• Generate a (separate) proof graph (or graphs), per the DI spec. The signature is stored in multibase format, using base64url encoding. Keys are accepted in WebCrypto Key format (and stored in JWK or in Multikey, depending on the crypto key).

    A single previous proof reference may also be set, although that really makes sense in the case of a single key only


    • dataset: DatasetCore<Quad, Quad>
    • keyData: Iterable<KeyData>
    • Optional previous: Quad_Subject

      A previous proof ID, when applicable; this is added as an extra statement in the proof graphs. This parameter is only relevant internally when a proof chain is generated.

    Returns Promise<rdf.DatasetCore[]>


    • Error if there was an issue while signing.
  • Parameters

    • dataset: DatasetCore<Quad, Quad>
    • keyData: KeyData
    • Optional previous: Quad_Subject

    Returns Promise<rdf.DatasetCore>