A shell around a Map, which is indexed by the value of rdf Terms.

(At the moment, the map value is a structure, that also includes the original term; that may become unnecessary on long term.)



  • Create a new dataset, if needed, otherwise returns the dataset already stored.

    See the remark above for the graph value's type constraint: it is o.k. to use Quad_Subject, because it should never be a default graph.


    • graph: Quad_Graph

    Returns Store<Quad, Quad, Quad, Quad>

  • Has a proof been stored with this graph reference/


    • graph: Term

    Returns boolean

  • Get the dataset references (in no particular order)

    Returns Store<Quad, Quad, Quad, Quad>[]

    • the datasets
  • Get the proof entries, following the order imposed by the previousProof statements. First element is the one that has no previous proof defined. If there are no nodes with previous proof, an empty array is returned.

    This is equivalent to the way proof chains are passed on as arguments when embedded chains are created.

    Returns ProofStore[]

    • the proofs entries