Collect all the resolutions. The function calls out, for each minute file, to the get_resolutions function, and flattens all such resolutions into a single large resolution. The set of resolution is also sorted (using sort_resolutions).
List of the minute file names, i.e., the base name of the minute file in its repository
A function returning the markdown content of the minutes in a Promise. The function itself either uses the local file system read or a fetch to the repository, depending on whether this function is called for a local or a github repository.
Get the resolution for a minute text (in markdown) of one call. The function relies upon the JSON-LD metadata generated by scribejs. It:
the minutes for a call, in markdown
Compare resolution objects; to be used in a “sort” method on the array of Resolutions.
Sorting takes a decreasing order by year, a decreasing order by meeting date within a year, and finally an increasing order by resolution number
Left operand
Right operand
Gathering the resolutions
See collect_resolutions for the essential entry point.