Extensions to the canonicalization state. These extensions are not defined by the specification, but are necessary to run the code.



dataFactory: DataFactory<Quad, Quad>

RDF data factory instance, to be used to create new terms and quads.

logger: Logger

A logger instance

logger_id: string

Logger instance's identifier name

complexity_number: number

Complexity number: the multiplicative factor that sets the value of maximum_n_degree_call by multiplying it with the number of blank nodes

maximum_n_degree_call: number

Maximal number of recursions allowed. This value may be modified by the caller

current_n_degree_call: number

Current recursion level. Initialized to zero, increased every time a recursion occurs

bnode_to_quads: BNodeToQuads
hash_to_bnodes: HashToBNodes
canonical_issuer: IDIssuer
hash_algorithm: string