Let TR_css_files
TR_css_files: string
Let TR_logo_files
TR_logo_files: string
Const W3C_icons
W3C_icons: "" = ""
Const acceptable_url_endings
acceptable_url_endings: string[] = ['/','.html','.xhtml','.json',]
Const entity_codes
entity_codes: string[][] = [[' ', ' '],['<', '<'],['>', '>'],['"', '"'],[''', '''],['®', '®'],['£', '£'],['¥', '¥'],['€', '€'],['¢', '¢'],['—', '—'],['–', '–'],[' ', ' '],[' ', ' '],[' ',' '],]
Let fixup_js
fixup_js: string
Const invalid_host_names
invalid_host_names: string[] = ['', '', '', '','', '', '', '','fe80::1', 'fe80:ffff::ffff', 'localhost', 'ip6-localhost',]
Const is_browser
is_browser: boolean = (process === undefined || process.title === 'browser')
Const local_icons
local_icons: "Icons/" = "Icons/"
Const local_port_number
local_port_number: "80" = "80"
Let local_style_files
local_style_files: string
Let modified_epub_files
modified_epub_files: string
Const process_2021_date
process_2021_date: "2021-11-02" = "2021-11-02"
Let process_version
process_version: number
Const spec_generator
spec_generator: "" = ""
Const spec_status_values
spec_status_values: string[] = ['base','MO','unofficial','ED','FPWD','WD','LC','LD','LS','CR','CRD','PR','PER','REC','RSCND','STMT','DNOTE','FPWD-NOTE','NOTE','WG-NOTE','BG-DRAFT','BG-FINAL','CG-DRAFT','CG-FINAL','Member-SUBM','draft-finding','editor-draft-finding','finding',]
Const text_content
text_content: string[] = [media_types.css,media_types.text,,media_types.html,media_types.js,media_types.json,media_types.jsonld,media_types.svg,media_types.xhtml,]
Const tr_epub_css
tr_epub_css: "body {/* Layout */max-width: 50em; /* limit line length to 50em for readability */margin: 0 auto !important; /* center text within page, space for footers */padding: 1.6em 1.5em 2em 50px; /* assume 16px font size for downlevel clients */padding: 1.6em 1.5em 2em calc(26px + 1.5em); /* leave space for status flag */}div[role~="main"] {margin: 0 auto; /* center text within page */max-width: none;padding: 1.6em 1.5em 2em 50px; /* assume 16px font size for downlevel clients */padding: 1.6em 1.5em 2em calc(26px + 1.5em); /* leave space for status flag */}body {max-width: 100% !important;}h2 {page-break-before: always;page-break-inside: avoid;page-break-after: avoid;}div.head h2 {page-break-before: auto;page-break-inside: avoid;page-break-after: avoid;}figure {page-break-inside: avoid;}h3, h4, h5 {page-break-after: avoid;}dl dt {page-break-after: avoid;}dl dd {page-break-before: avoid;}div.example, div.note, pre.idl, .warning, table.parameters, table.exceptions {page-break-inside: avoid;}p {orphans: 4;widows: 2;}.outdated-warning {position: absolute;border-style: solid;border-color: red;}.outdated-warning input {display: none;}p.copyright,p.copyright small { font-size: small; }#toc-nav, #toc-toggle-inline {display:none !important;}#back-to-top, .toc-toggle {display: none !important;}nav#toc {display: none}" = `body {/* Layout */max-width: 50em; /* limit line length to 50em for readability */margin: 0 auto !important; /* center text within page, space for footers */padding: 1.6em 1.5em 2em 50px; /* assume 16px font size for downlevel clients */padding: 1.6em 1.5em 2em calc(26px + 1.5em); /* leave space for status flag */}div[role~="main"] {margin: 0 auto; /* center text within page */max-width: none;padding: 1.6em 1.5em 2em 50px; /* assume 16px font size for downlevel clients */padding: 1.6em 1.5em 2em calc(26px + 1.5em); /* leave space for status flag */}body {max-width: 100% !important;}h2 {page-break-before: always;page-break-inside: avoid;page-break-after: avoid;}div.head h2 {page-break-before: auto;page-break-inside: avoid;page-break-after: avoid;}figure {page-break-inside: avoid;}h3, h4, h5 {page-break-after: avoid;}dl dt {page-break-after: avoid;}dl dd {page-break-before: avoid;}div.example, div.note, pre.idl, .warning, table.parameters, table.exceptions {page-break-inside: avoid;}p {orphans: 4;widows: 2;}.outdated-warning {position: absolute;border-style: solid;border-color: red;}.outdated-warning input {display: none;}p.copyright,p.copyright small { font-size: small; }#toc-nav, #toc-toggle-inline {display:none !important;}#back-to-top, .toc-toggle {display: none !important;}nav#toc {display: none}`
Const wcag_checked
wcag_checked: string[] = ['REC','WG-NOTE','IG-NOTE','NOTE','finding',]
Global constants used at various places.