This is a non-production level tool to see what transformations are performed by the Canonicalization Algorithm of Web Publication Manifest specification. The internal code is based on an an (experimental) code on the interpretation of a Web Publication Manifest; see the description of that experiment.
The user may provide a JSON-LD file containing a Web Publication Manifest, which is transformed into the canonical equivalent. The possible ways of submitting a manifest are:
The text panel on the left, labeled as “Manifest to convert” is editable: the user can type in, or paste, a full manifest. Pushing the “Canonicalize” button generates the canonical version on the right panel. The panel can also be filled by:
- providing a URL for a manifest file; this is then uploaded into the text panel; or
- uploading a local file.
- The user can provide the URL of an HTML Primary Entry Page. By pushing the corresponding button the manifest file is extracted (following the the steps described in the specification), the result filled in the text panel, and the canonicalization triggered automatically.
Note that, strictly speaking, some of those combination may not be correct: indeed, the canonicalization algorithm requires that all relative URL-s are transformed into absolute ones. This cannot be done properly if the manifest is copy pasted, edited by hand, or uploaded from a local file.